Know How to Manage Your Freelancers


Syed Ali


August 9, 2019

Knowing how to manage freelancers is critical for your business. You have to tell them exactly what to do - then ensure they do it on time. 

Now, if your business has lots of freelancer jobs going at the same time, then management becomes even harder. Instead of one person, you have to manage multiple people doing different jobs. 

The good news is that there are solutions to help you learn how to engage freelancers and manage them accordingly. 

Provide Clear Instructions for Every Project

Freelance management begins with clear instructions from you. Tell your freelancers precisely what they need to do. This ensures that you’re both on the same page and do you want to know how freelancers are adding value to the businesses? 

Problems occur when you don’t have clear and detailed job descriptions. How can you manage someone if they’re not totally sure what you want them to do? They may think they’ve finished a project, then you tell them you expect a few more things from them. 

If they know what has to be done, then it’s easy for you to cross off the list of tasks they’ve completed. They won’t miss any out, leading to perfect management. 

Maintain Frequent Communication

Make sure you keep updated with your freelancers by communicating with them. Don’t micromanage and ask for updates every five minutes! Let them get to work, but send a message now and then to check how things are going. 

This ensures that they’re still following the instructions you laid out at the start. It’s also a chance for them to provide some opinions and suggestions. They may have excellent ideas on how to improve the project, and this gives you a chance to listen. 

Freelance Field Engineers

Offer Feedback

Give your freelancers positive and constructive feedback on their work. In doing so, they know what they’re doing right - and what can be improved. 

Consequently, it’s easier to manage them because they soon learn how you like things to be done. They adapt based on your feedback, so you’ll need fewer updates in the future. 

Achieve the Maximum Out of Hired Freelancers by Knowing How to Manage Them

If you know how to manage your freelancers, then it helps you get more out of them. You’re both aware of what needs to be done, and it lets you keep to a timeframe. 

Without any management, projects get dragged on for ages. Plus, the quality of work will decrease unless you oversee operations. If you keep up communications and tell your contractors what needs to be improved, then the standard increases. 

In essence, freelance management means you get more value from your money. You pay for services that live up to your expectations. 

Maintaining Freelancers

Take Advantage of Digital Platforms like Field Engineer

If you really want to manage your freelance engineers, then take advantage of digital platforms like Field Engineer. We hold the top position in freelance management as you can take full control over all of your contracted workers. 

With our freelance management platform, you can track workers as they’re out completing tasks. We provide a birds-eye view of projects, so you see when different tasks are completed. This helps you maintain your schedule and makes your freelancers deliver on time. 

We also offer simple communication methods through the FE platform. As a result, you can message your freelancers and stay updated all the time. It also makes it easier to provide feedback on-the-go. 

What are the Benefits of Field Engineer for Freelance Management? 

Essentially, our platform moves freelance management all into one place. You don’t have to use multiple apps to try and keep track of all your different contracted workers. Instead, open up your dashboard and get instant updates as they happen in real-time. 

Field Engineer is the perfect solution for businesses. When you make the switch to our platform, you’ll enjoy these benefits: 

  • Easily manage freelancers in different locations all over the world
  • See where your freelancers are on a map and track their work progress
  • Post detailed job descriptions that match you with relevant on-demand freelance engineers
  • Communicate on-the-go with our mobile app
  • Deploy numerous top talent engineers while managing them all from the same place

Every business needs to know how to manage freelance workers. If your management is excellent, then it will yield the most impressive results. Contracted workers will be more efficient, productive, and reach the high standards you’re hoping for. 

We’ve provided some tips to ensure you manage your freelance team as effectively as possible. But, to take control, sign up to Field Engineer today. With our platform, you can manage dozens of contracted workers with ease.

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