What is FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer?
Are you looking to start a new career as a FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer? If so, you’ll want to find out more about this career path, what it’s about and what it might mean for you and your professional life. We’re going to provide all of those details right here for you.
FortiNet’s approach to SD-WAN is about security and making sure that it’s never an afterthought in the network deployment process. They use innovative approaches involving in-built firewalls and threat protection processes. If you have a professional understanding of SD-WAN and security matters, a career as a FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer could be for you.
Job Description & Responsibilities
In this FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer Job Description, we’ll discuss what’s expected of these engineers and what you can expect if you choose to start working as one. It’s all about security and maintaining the high standards set out by the FortiNet SD-WAN platform. You’ll carry out repairs and maintenance, as well as dealing with things like patches and general management.
There’s a wide range of FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer responsibilities that you’ll encounter in this job. Of course, each employer has specific needs, but they want this platform to perform reliably for them and achieve the levels of security they signed up for. In general, it’ll be your responsibility to ensure all of that.
Required Qualifications & Skills
In terms of qualifications, it helps for FortiNet SD-WAN engineers to have a technical qualification relating to networks. Many employers will look for employees with a Bachelor’s degree or higher, but if you’ve already proven yourself in a professional environment, that can be overlooked.

Being able to identify problems and tackle them in a coherent and efficient way is just one of the FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer Skills you’ll need to have. A strong understanding of the platform, its core priorities and SD-WAN software in general are vitally important if you want to make a success of this.
Helpful Certifications
Certification programs exist to help make it clear who is trained and able to carry out work on FortiNet software and who isn’t. If you’re serious about succeeding in this career, it’s a good idea to get certified by FortiNet so employers know that your skills and abilities can be trusted.
The FortiNet Training and Certification Programs aims to train people so they’re able to deal with every single aspect of the FortiNet network security platform. There’s a lot to learn and it will certainly help your career progression from here if you complete this certification process.
Future Outlook in this Job
FortiNet is currently leading the way in the world of network security. If this is a niche you’re interested in, it’s certainly a good idea to learn more about their platform and get trained in how to work with it at a professional level.
The future of the company and its software is bright, so choosing this career path is definitely good for you going forward. There are lots of work opportunities to take advantage of right now and there’ll be even more going forward.
Anyone looking to take up a new job or pursue a new career path wants to make sure that they’re going to earn the kind of money that makes it worth their while.
This is a very high paying role and the typical FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer Salary is around $125,000 per year. And some people can earn up to $140,000
Why Freelancing is a Good Idea
Many FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer jobs are out there, but there are lots of freelance opportunities for you to pursue as well. If you want to take that route in your SD-WAN engineer career, you won't be short of chances to prove yourself and earn a great wage.
Freelancing allows you to control your career in a way that suits you, your schedule and your career ambitions. It might not be the ideal situation for everyone, but it could be a way of working that works best for you, so don’t rule it out until you’ve considered it further.
Using FieldEngineer.com
If finding FortiNet SD-WAN Engineer freelance jobs is something that you’re about to start doing, it makes sense to consider using FieldEngineer.com. It’s designed to make the process of connecting with employers easier for freelance engineers and technicians like yourself.
You can create a profile and start looking for jobs as companies post them. If you have the relevant expertise to complete a job, you can contact the employer and they might select you. You’ll soon by completing jobs for companies around the world.